Blog/Newsletter Update

Quick housekeeping update, superstars…

So, I put up this blog last year, under the direction of the mediocre business coach who advised me to re-post my newsletter craftings here.

A year later, I’m still unraveling myself from her various half-cocked, half-assed directives, and sifting out for myself what works, what doesn’t work, what I’m aligned to do, and what I’m not.

And guess what? Turns out I’m not aligned to re-post my newsletter craftings here. It’s not that I don’t think they’re wonderful. They absolutely are. It’s more about the formatting kerfuffling, and the links that don’t transfer, along with the images that don’t transfer, which all add up to a whole big bunch of busy work I’m no longer inspired to trudge through.

That being said, I am inspired to touch in here more regularly, and am excited to seeĀ  what wants to be expressed here and how that looks.

As for those super very awesome newsletters, your best bet is to SIGN UP (the home page is your friend). When you do, you’ll get a FREE PDF: 5 Free Quantum Languaging Hacks for INSTANT Empowerment, and you’ll be embraced in my every loop, and receive advanced notice about all my fun offerings.

Thanks for rolling with me, as I continue to master marketing my genius and my offerings, while learning to love the process, and finding my own authentic way to rock my business like the badass babe that I am