Why I Said: Bye-Bye, Instagram!

July 27, 2022

Guess what, Superstar? I did it! I took the leap, pulled the plug, and got my ass back into alignment, and  integrity, while taking my power back from big tech. I left Instagram. It’s a big deal for me, and it was a long time coming. The abuse started a couple years back. Ever since I wrote that most-censored-ever documentary that caused all the fuss, rhymes with "Spam-cremick Too: ...


“Operation Bleed” excerpt

July 27, 2022

What follows is the first half (ish) of a piece I wrote as part of a nonfiction essay collection called Love in the Time of Chemtrails. I spent four years writing and overwriting it, and then put it in a drawer (okay, a hard drive), and forgot about it. That is, until the planet erupted in mass hysteria of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and my editor reached out, and reminded me that I wrote ...


The (Imaginary) Omniscience of Victimhood: The Language of Betterarchy excerpt

July 27, 2022

An excerpt from my forthcoming book, The Language of Betterarchy: The (Imaginary) Omniscience of Victimhood Victim consciousness has this uncanny knack for knowing what others are thinking and intending. I’m not sure whether those running victim consciousness are clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, or simply omniscient, but their perception that others are targeting them ...